Successful membrane safety study

A recent publication in British Journal of Ophthalmology by Professor Sheila MacNeil and colleagues at the University of Sheffield and the L.V. Prasad eye clinic in Hyderabad, described how electrospun membranes can be safely applied to rabbit corneas without inducing any local or systemic toxicity.

The membranes, made from poly-lactic co-glycolic acid (PLGA) 50:50, were developed as synthetic biodegradable alternatives to the use of human donor amniotic membrane in the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency. They broke down completely within 29 days without inducing any toxicity in the rabbits.

Reference: Synthetic biodegradable alternatives to the use of the amniotic membrane for corneal regeneration: assessment of local and systemic toxicity in rabbits: Charanya RamachandranVirender S SangwanIlida OrtegaUpendra BhatnagarSadik Mohmad Abdulhamid MullaRob McKeanSheila MacNeil; 

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