Mimetix® plate awarded ELRIG New Technology Prize

The 3D multi-well plate containing the Mimetix® scaffold was awarded the “Prize for Best New Innovative Technology” at the European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group (ELRIG) Research & Innovation: Impact into Cancer conference in Telford on 11 March 2014. The award was given to the exhibitor with most delegate votes.   Mimetix is an electrospun scaffold which mimics the extracellular matrix and provides an ideal environment to support the growth of cells in 3D. The Mimetix multi-well plate is designed to be easy to use and compatible with industry-standard automated handling and imaging equipment. The synthetic scaffold is 50 microns deep, which is thick enough to provide the benefits of 3D cell morphology and behaviour, yet thin enough to allow microscopic imaging. Mimetix has been validated with a number of primary cells and cell lines, including breast cancer cells and hepatocytes, and supports highly consistent cell performance in 3D.

  • Last updated: April 7, 2014
filed under: News

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