The Electrospinning Company is developing the Symatix® membrane which is an innovative synthetic amniotic membrane substitute. The membrane is created using electrospinning technology and is designed to overcome the limitation of the Human Amniotic Membrane (HAM).

Professor Harminder Dua about the Need for a Better Membrane!

“To get a membrane that does away with all the disadvantages and has all the advantage of the amniotic membrane, is the holy grail we have been looking for.”

Prof. Harminder Dua


Download additional info about the Symatix® Membrane

A better membrane is required

Human Amniotic Membrane (HAM) is a common product used for treating several ocular surface disorders within ophthalmology and other wound healing applications. Despite being the current gold standard, the failure rate of HAM  is between 33-44%1.

HAM is procured from elective caesarean patients and requires extensive facilities for post-processing, and storage. Furthermore, the use of HAM requires stringent serology tests of donors, a special human tissue license and extensive traceability measures. All of which drives up health care costs and challenges the accessibility of treatment to patients.

Benefits of the Symatix® Membrane:

  • Easy to handle thanks to the membrane’s degradable fibrous network and hyaluronan filler component
  • Inter and intra batch consistency
  • Mass scale production capability therefor accessible and affordable
  • Storable at room temperature
  • Sterile – no risk of disease transmission
  • Versatile – thickness, pore size and degradation duration can be tailored to clinical needs

Clinical Advisors

To ensure that the Symatix® Membrane handles well in the clinic and delivers the required performance, we are working closely with world-leading experts in ophthalmology. Professor Dua and Dr Sangwan have been part of the Symatix® Membrane development from the beginning.


Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Director of Innovation at Shroff’s Charity Hospital, New Delhi, India

Symatix® is the registered trade mark of The Electrospinning Company Limited in the UK.

The Symatix® Membrane is available for licensing or partnering.

We would appreciate your help gathering information about ​​the number of amniotic membrane (AM) units used per month.

What prompted us to investigate further is that some reports claim that a large number of AM is used, but if we talk to independent clinics, the actual use does not align with this figure. We would be thankful if you could spend 5 minutes of your time to complete this survey to support our innovative project. 

1 – Rahman, I., Said, D., Maharajan, V. et al. Amniotic membrane in ophthalmology: indications and limitations. Eye 23, 1954–1961 (2009)